We’ve been working diligently on travel plans for 2025.
Two trips are planned for September, 23rd-October 8th, 2025 to Portugal – Iberian Experience, and Cuba, Dates are yet to be confirmed.
As I’ve done on past trips, I like to send out a proposed itinerary for you to peruse and then send updates as things fill in along the way as we get closer to the departure date.
In brief, the following is a look at our current plans.
The Iberian Experience
The Iberian Experience – September 23rd – October 8th, 2025
We will start our experience when we land in Lisbon, Portugal, and make our way to Barcelona, Spain, through Praia da Rocha, Algarve, Sevilla, and Gibraltar. All the while, we will be enjoying breathtaking views, beautiful architecture, and discovering some amazing local food.
Booking information, Itinerary, and payment – Click HERE

California Bald Eagles ~ CUBA ~

October 21st – 30th, 2025
This year’s foreign tour is to a Country like no other, Cuba. Havana, the capital city, is a city of contradictions. Its main attraction is its beautiful Historic Center and the Cuban people. Havana is the country’s capital city and the largest City in the Caribbean. It will amaze you with its lively nightlife and music culture.
Booking information, Itinerary, and payment – click HERE
We base our trips on small groups of 20-25 travelers, so to secure your spot, act quickly. David Bentley of Southland Tours has outlined payment plans for you, and they are outlined on each trip detail’s page.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact either Geraldine or David. We hope you’ll be able to join us.
Geraldine Nelsen leofric@sbcglobal.net 916-316-0122
David Bentley bentley@southlandtours.net 530-305-2765